Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dream World and the Zoo

Dream World!
White Tiger (for you B)
Snow World
November 15, 2009

Friday we decided to switch things up a bit and go to Dream World, which reminds me very much of Disney World just a bit smaller. Scott, Nicky, Jackie and I split off from the rest of the group as soon as we entered the park. We started our day with some pictures in love town and then moved on to other cutouts that included James Bond, the Flintstones and Superman. After that we ventured into the Giant House. I felt really small for once and thoroughly enjoyed climbing into the giant boots and onto the giant chair for a picture.

After a quick snack we went into the haunted house and onto some other rides including Hurricane, Raptor, Bumper Cars and Space Mountain. They even had a hanging roller coaster and a log ride that ended in a giant splash. Not a bad thing on such a hot day. We had lunch at KFC and ended the day with an action show, some time in Snow World and a 4D picture show. Snow World is an indoor play place where you can build a snowman, sled and take pictures next to the North Pole. They give you a jacket and boots to wear since it is -2* C inside. Reminded me a bit of home. For the 4D picture show they gave us 3D glasses and then made us feel like a part of the show by spraying us with water among other special effects. On the way home we stopped again for KFC and enjoyed a DVD showing of Prison Break Season 1.

On Saturday morning we got up and headed to the zoo. We were able to take pictures with a couple of monkeys that were dressed up as well as with some baby tigers. Further over they had two giant snakes. After lunch we went to see a 100-year old market in Samchuk. It was crowded but a cool thing to see.

On Sunday I got up early to watch the first half of the Notre Dame football game. We were losing 10-3 when I left. We then packed up and drove to the resort where they had a pool, Thai massage, a golf course, a basketball court and Internet. They also provided entertainment that night in the form of a cultural dance. The rooms had air conditioning and I spent most of my time there sleeping. Up next: trekking through the rainforest. Should be fun!

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