Sunday, November 29, 2009

Beaches and fireshows

Favorite spot on the beach
Fire show!
Cute girl on the beach
My alcoholic picture. Hong Thong with a straw. Don't worry there's coke in there too.
Scott and I at the club

November 28, 2009

Last Saturday we left Lumtaphern Dam and drove to a hotel in a nearby town. After a little bit of internet time we met up to go have dinner. Four of us, Scott, Imogen, Sheena and myself, opted to pay for our own meal and got some pizza. It was beyond fantastic. After dinner we did a quick stop at Tescos to pick up some beverages before heading back to the hotel. There was a club connected to the hotel that had live performances so we went there for the night.

The next morning we met the rest of the group that had been teaching and headed to the island of Koh Samet. Scott and I rented 4-wheelers for an hour one day and on Wednesday the group went on a boat trip that consisted of snorkeling, fishing and sunbathing. The rest of the week consisted of mostly eating and lying in the sun. In the evenings we would all eat together and a live acoustic band would perform. They put out small tables on the beach and we sat on the floor. After the band was done performing they would have a fire show on the beach. The restaurant also had a club where the band would perform. We were there almost every night.

On Saturday we left the island and headed back to Bangkok. We had one last meal together and then went our separate ways. A lot of the group is continuing on in their travels and almost half will be in either Australia or New Zealand in the coming months. The rest are heading home and so am I. For a month anyway. I changed my flight a few times but I am very excited to be coming back to the states. I will be in California for a few days starting on December 1st and will be in North Dakota that Saturday.

I was able to do a lot of things here in Thailand. I learned about Buddhism, visited many temples and even had the unique opportunity to stay with the monks. I ate a lot of rice and other Thai food and met some friendly locals. I went trekking through the rain forest, explored some caves and camped out under the stars complete with meteor shower. I went to the zoo and got to feed the giraffes and take pictures with the monkey-humans. I went on a bike ride through Singburi and spent a day at Dream World. I spent a week on the island sunbathing, snorkeling and chilling out. But most importantly I met some really cool people that I am going to miss a lot. If any of you are reading this, good luck with everything and make sure to keep me updated. I will let you know if I ever make it to England. And for those of you at home, see you soon!

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