Monday, June 15, 2009

Prep time

Hello out there!

I have decided to start a blog so that all of those who want to follow what I'm doing this year can do so. I leave home in six weeks. My goal for the summer is to make some money. It sounds like a few of the programs I will be involved in have various side-trips to participate in such as a trip to Victoria falls, so extra money will be nice to have. Plus I owe my parents a ton of money already and calling for extra visa money or spending cash would not be good.

For anyone reading this who doesn't know what I'm doing next year, here's a quick summary. July 26th I fly to California. August 1st I fly to Zambia where I will be doing medical volunteer work for 3 months. The end of October I will spend a few days in South Africa and then fly to Thailand. The program there is broken into 4 weeks. The first takes place in Bangkok, the second up at a Buddhist temple, the third trekking through the rain forest and the forth week is on the beach. From there I fly to New Zealand where I will be working for 4 months. Not sure what kind of job I will have but the options include bar tending, cooking or working out at a kiwi farm. The final leg of my trip will take place in Peru (up by Cuzco). During the first month I will be living with a host family and taking Spanish lessons, while during the second month I will be volunteering in a program for disabled children. That takes me to the beginning in the June when I will fly back to the United States.

Needless to say I'm really looking forward to the trip. I'm hoping to learn a lot about the world and about myself. Find myself in a way. Also looking forward for an opportunity to serve others and explore my interest in medicine even further. Obviously I will miss you all while I'm gone so any emails, phone calls or letters are welcomed.

A little update on what has been going on this summer. The day after graduation I left for Italy with the Notre Dame volleyball team. We spent two weeks there touring and playing various Italian teams. My sister Briana met me in Rome the day the team flew home. From there we spent time in Rome, Vienna, Salzburg, Garmisch, Berlin, Paris and Dublin. It was a great time and also the most time I've spent with B since we went to college. This coming weekend my older sister Tahnee is getting married to we are preparing for the wedding this week. My only other plans for the summer are to work a couple of volleyball camps and help out around the farm.

That's it for now. Hope everyone is having a great summer!!